Truth: Favorite Color? Why
Dare: I dare you to draw a picture in your favorite colors and post it on your blog. Or find some beautiful photos featuring your favorite color.
My Truth
My favorite color seems to change with the seasons. Winter, I like browns, blues, and burgundies. Summer, I like greens, blues, and purples. Earthy colors all year round.
No wonder I like to dye my hair red. It goes well with the greens and browns.
I once read a book about the colors of people's auras: What Color Is Your Aura?: Personality Spectrums for Understanding and Growth
1) People have a tendency to reach for the colors that match / complement their aura color.
2) The aura color often affects your personal coloring. Or maybe your personal, physical coloring affects your aura.
So knowing your favorite color is a good start to knowing who you are on the inside.
My Dare
Found this picture on WeHeartIt.com. I think it shows the real me in color.
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Truth or Dare is a weekly meme hosted by Rita's World. I have found that many of my favorite blog posts by book bloggers I love were the ones that shared more about themselves. Book bloggers are so busy sharing about books that we get little time to know the heart behind the internet. Truth or Dare is an opportunity to pause from our weekly posts and get to know each other.
Want to participate? Copy and paste my Truth or Dare challenge into your own post. Be sure to post a link to your post in the comments here...
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