Truth: Favorite Genre?YA or adult?
Dare: I dare you to read a book outside your comfort zone.
My Truth
Fantasy used to be my favorite, but now I love Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. Adult or YA, doesn't matter. However, over the past few years, I've been reading less and less YA and more adult books. Maybe the romance is more satisfying because it actually goes somewhere. Maybe the graphic content and dark, gritty elements appeal to me. Mostly though, I like the characters and the complex plots.
As I've looked over my reads from last and so far this year, I'm wondering about trying my hand at writing some adult stories . . . once I finish what I've already committed to.
My Dare
Books I've read that were outside my comfort zone:
Horror has never been something that interested me and likely never will. I was / am prone to nightmares, and with my vivid imagination, scary books and me just don't mix.
But this book didn't scare me, and I really loved the perspectives from the mom, dad, and child in this book.
And even though I handled this story, I still have no intention of reading this book again or any more like it.
Darkfever and the other books in the Fever series (by Karen Marie Moning) shocked my senses . . . and made me blush. But wow, what a great book.
I'll be checking out more of her books.
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Truth or Dare is a weekly meme hosted by Rita's World. I have found that many of my favorite blog posts by book bloggers I love were the ones that shared more about themselves. Book bloggers are so busy sharing about books that we get little time to know the heart behind the internet. Truth or Dare is an opportunity to pause from our weekly posts and get to know each other.
Want to participate? Copy and paste my Truth or Dare challenge into your own post. Be sure to post a link to your post in the comments here...
Just wanted to share the news that I requested my library bring in Transcendent. You're now on the shelf at the Dallas library